Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Why should guys have all the fun..

Well you must be wondering that I'm promoting Hero Honda Pleasure thru my blog. Hahaha well I'm not. But yes their caption actually made me think "Are guys really having that much fun". Then i came to a conclusion may be they are more than the fairer sex. Take for instance a husband and wife. Both are income earners for the family. But the wife only gets to make the breakfast and the dinner (assuming that they make alternate arrangements for lunch). Its no more that men are the only bread winner of the family. Both are bread winners but the women is still home maker. She has to cook,buy provisions ( even these two,men do at times) but why is it that she has to "give birth to babies". ok thats how nature works fine.. but cant there be equality in that too. GOD cant you see that we women are also putting in so much effort in everything like male community.

Take movies for that matter how many movies revolves around women. Most of the time its the hero who takes the revenge,gets to work hard and make money,woos the heroine and fights with her father. While shooting for song in snow clad zones in switz and other parts of europe the hero gets to wear warm clothes but the heroine has to wear skimpy clothes showing major part of her skin.

Take the case of marriage. Why is it that only the woman have to leave her house and go and live with her husband and his family. Ever seen husbands adding their wives names behind theirs. Take the case of arranged marriages the groom is always elder to the bride. Why cant it be he other way around.

Have you ever come across news saying lady rapes and kills man.

Are there any female formula one players.

I can go on with the list but all this will never change. Though there are women entrepreneurs, CEOs,Musicians,Sports person, it the women who has to leave her house after marriage,be home maker,makes breakfast,deliver babies. Me writing the blog is not going to change this scenario right??? You might just read it and say "hmm just another frustrated woman"or some might say "women can never be satisfied".....


brain eater said...

" Why should women always crib about not having fun" Times are changing and women are working, independent making their choice in everything. Now they no longer depend on a Male which is very evident from the fact that the divorce cases in India are increasing... So it is not the same old way... In fact lot of guys marry gals elder to them .. Take Sachin Tendulkar for that case... TIMES ARE FOR SURE CHANGING...

With the advancements of science wait for some more days, women may not give birth to babies.. Everything will be happening in a artificial way.. In fact sex can only be had for pleasure and nothing else... slow but for sure humans are changing things….

God why do women have all the fun and always keep cribbing about not having fun as much as men ….

Sreelatha Ramakrishnan said...

See i told you....the war between the sexes will never end....
Every man has a say..he makes sure he says it...

PenAndPaper said...

Fifty thousand years ago, most of the traditional gender roles served the useful purpose. Men were considered to be strong and great hunters. They brought more meat to home. Females believed to be the mother, creator and life-giver to all of nature. They have decided to be housewives. I assume that biology played a role in their occupations.

Civilization has encouraged the people to be specialist in their occupation and gender behavior is fixed in early childhood itself. At last, woman married to a man, stayed at home, raised several children and responsible for cooking, washing and housekeeping. These jobs do not require the strength of a man. A man married to a woman, worked hard all day and relaxed in home, occasionally helped his life partner around the house. These jobs do not require the determination of a woman.

Nowadays, girls want to live the guy’s life - think about pleasure’s tagline. Why so? I guess it’s because of female belief that male is naturally dominating most important areas of life. Believe it or not! Guy’s life is not full of fun. I too… can go with a list. But real men don’t cry.

The future can be better. I just want to foresee the world in which men and women will have equal opportunities to realize their full potential. Still, I don’t know how?

brain eater said...

If biology plays an important role in deciding the roles and responsibilities of the gender!!! Why is it wrong in the case of “ the king of the Jungle”??? It is only the Lioness which hunts and the male just shares the huge part of the meal...

Come on lets not try to put the blame on Biology ... The mentality of each women keeps changing.. For that case even all men are not the same... Even today there are women who feel very satisfied staying back in the home, doing normal day today activity... Fun can never be had alone!!! It can only had collectively does not matter if it is men or women ....so lets have all the fun, but together.

So atlast you have a male who does not crib about a women